Does Mortgage Forbearance Affect Credit?

Does Mortgage Forbearance Affect Credit? Are you facing financial hardship and considering mortgage forbearance? Wondering how it will affect your credit score? Mortgage forbearance can ease your current financial burden but could also impact your credit history. In this article, we'll explore what mortgage forbearance is and how [...]

2023-03-17T04:13:29+00:00March 17, 2023|Forbearance, Foreclosure|

Why Short Sales are Better than Being Foreclosed On

Why Short Sales are Better than Being Foreclosed On   The past couple years has created tough financial situations for thousands of Americans. Whether it be medical bills or job loss, there are many Americans in danger of losing their homes - but what should you do if [...]

2023-01-09T22:37:49+00:00October 15, 2021|Foreclosure, Mortgage, Real Estate, Selling, Short Sale|
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